Honored the westy today for his well done job, bringing us here to the cape finisterre. 25 years ago we was with this vwcamper on his 1st big tour at Cabo de Roca in Portugal. So after 26 years giving us joy and many many good times he got a sticker from #santiagodecompostela and a scallop shell. ====================== #totheendoftheworldtour You can follow up on Twitter or in my blog ============== #westypilgrimage #vanlife #vwcamper #differentkindofpilgrimage #finisterre #pilgrims #spain #france #busblog #pilgrims #pelegrinos #galicia #westylife #vanlife #vanagonlife #vanagon #volkswagen #vw #vwbus #vwcamper #t3 #westfalia #westfaliavanagon
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