Still Dreaming. After we missed this years opportunity for a winter trip with one of our #vwcampers to Portugal and Spain I’m dreaming again of a #vwltflorida. Still on the hunt of a #wintercampervan. Looked at several #jamescook and a #karmanngipsy. Now after a new offer on a #vwflorida the ranking is VW LT Westfalia Florida, #mbsprinter #jamescook also #westfalia, an vwcaliforniaexclusive , an #csduo #sprintervan or an VW Karmann Gipsy #t4. So the #westfaliaflorida will out beat the James Cook (❤️ over reason) ======================================== #busblog #vanlife #westylife #camperlife #vanagon #vanagonlife #camperjournal #vanlifediarieseurope
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