Paulchen is back. Now an original Paulchen is also on the T5 Cali Beach after the former bike rack was getting lost in Spain last year. Didn't seem so strong as the old one on the T3, let see how it works before replacing the one on the T3 Westy. Due that matter I maintain the old bike rack on the T3 before replacing it. 🚐💨✌️ ============================ #paulchen #paulchensystems #bike #vwcaliforniabeach #westy #westfalia #t3 #vw #volkswagen #vwcamper #vanagon #vanagonlife #gowesty #camperlife #roadtrip #westylife #vanlife #furgovw #camper #busblog #hightop #westfaliavanagon #vwfurgoneta #vanlifeeurope #vanlifediaries #camperjournal
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