Strange thing! While sitting on my favorite seat (floor of the T3 vanagon in the open sliding door) and drinking a beer I recognized the serial number of the Westfalia VIN in the T3. According to www.westfaliat3.info I’m owning the number 8 of all the VW T3 California Hightop since 28 years. I was sitting there a thousand times the last nearly 30 years and never saw that it’s only a 1digit serial number. Btw, the Westfalia Florida is number 133. 🚐💨🍺 ==================== #westy #westfalia #t3 #vw #volkswagen #vwcamper #vanagon #vanagonlife #camperlife #westylife #vanlife #furgovw #camper #busblog #hightop #westfaliavanagon #vwfurgoneta #vanlifeeurope #livingsmall #vanlifediaries #camperjournal #vwltflorida #vwlt #vwbus #westfalialt28 #fatwesty #florida268 #00008 #00133
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