Blaupunkt Cupertino 📻🚐 previous post. Short explanation: I was surprised 😳 by the name of the car radio 📻 in the #vwltflorida . Because my 2nd faible besides traveling w/ my #campervans is my #vintage #apple #macintosh collection. 😀🖥 So #cupertino is a liked to hear name for me. "but I didn't bought the #vwlt because of the name of the radio 😁" . . . . . . #classiccamper #imac #powermac #cube #g3 #g4 #classic #powerbook #ibook #clamshell #keylime #vintageapple #lego #minifigures #steve #pismo #vw #vwcamper #busblog
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