One third of 2019 done. Day 117. Travelled most of the time. Spent 25 nights in the camper and lived 72 days in Hotels. 9970km on the road. 7 European Countries 🇩🇰 🇧🇪 🇳🇱 🇱🇺 🇩🇪 🇦🇹 🇮🇹. Beaches 🏝 at the #northsea and the #mediterranaensea. Crossed the #alps 🏔 2 times. Crossed Germany already from the northernmost point to the southern point. From above Sylt to Füssen. .. Fun fact, according to #4sq I had more visits at #HardRockCafes this year than I was at home. 😟 .. 😁 Spring is here! 🚐💨☀️. #festivalseason starts soon with #rar2019 and #gmm19 ahead. 🤘#busladen 😬 ========================== #buslife #westfaliacamper #roadtrippin #travelgram #livingsmall #vwcamper #campervan #furgovw #hardrockcafe #wanderlust #wohnmobilblog #camperlife #fatwesty #westfalia #westylife #vanagon #rvlife #vwcamper268
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