Day two [our 4th festival day] #rar2019 International “folk” music in the first round: Seiler und Speer 🇦🇹 and ☘️ Rock wih the #dropkickmurphys. 2nd round metal with Sabaton and Slayer. Highlight of the day Dropkick, pleasant surprised from #seilerundspeer and #sabaton. Slayer, solid and okay 🤘 - #lidlrocks again, great job @lidlde is doing here- and the #eberspaecher in the #vwltflorida 🚐 was needed again. Summer in he #Eifel And not to forget the really improved shower camp at caravan camp B thx @rockamringofficial ========================== [kann unbezahlte Werbung enthalten 🤔] ========================== #festivallife #camperlife #vwcamper #campervan #vwbus #buslife #furgovw #vanagon #westfaliacamper #freiheitsmobile #vwcamper268 #rvlife #westy #fatwesty #westylife #rockamring #graspopmetalmeeting #wanderlust #volkswagen #rainorshine
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