Day 5 Antwerp 🚐💨#beneluxroadtrippin. Nice city, nice oldtown, huge #churches. A lot of things to do. But —— not very campervan friendly. Be aware of the #LEZ (35€ untill 6am, not 24h!) and no camperstop / campground found that would be to recommend. Anyway good to explore by 🚲, a lot of interesting architecture, old and new, bike paths even underneath the river. The St. Annatunnel underpass. =================== #festivallife #camperlife #vwcamper #campervan #vwbus #buslife #busfestival #furgovw #vanagon #westfaliacamper #freiheitsmobile #vwcamper268 #rvlife #westy #fatwesty #westylife #rockamring #graspopmetalmeeting #wanderlust #volkswagen #rainorshine #fatwesty #vwltflorida #travelgram #fatwestyfestivaltour19
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