On this day 6 years ago. Calm days in the alps, relaxing after the #wackenopenair . We’re coming back to Lofer for the Camper Van Summit Meeting in a couple weeks . The location of the #CVSM19, the Camping Grubhof, you can see in the left lower picture, approximately in the middle of the picture next to the river Saalach. Pictures were taken from the Loferer Alm. We were very exited to visit the CVSM and coming back to the area. #tbt #throwbackthursday thanks #googlephotos . =============== #festivallife #camperlife #vwcamper #campervan #vwbus #buslife #busfestival #furgovw #vanagon #westfaliacamper #freiheitsmobile #vwcamper268 #rvlife #westy #fatwesty #westylife #rockamring #graspopmetalmeeting #wanderlust #volkswagen #rainorshine #fatwesty #vwltflorida #travelgram #fatwestyfestivaltour19
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