On this day 4 years ago. With the camper to Mickey, roadtrippin with the VW T3 California to the ancient end of the world Cape Finistere in Spain. #westypilgrimage for the 26th anniversary with our Cali. Stopover and camp for the night at Disneyland Paris. Not at very nice spot neither a cheap one. It’s on a regular parking lot of Disneyland without electricity. Sanitary facilities sometimes open and partly working but far far away from a expectable Disney standard. But hey, it’s magic ;-) Particularity: Visit Downtown Disney with a lot of Disney themed shops and restaurants. *** You can see Space Mountain from your campervan *** During park hours you always hear the Dis tunes. *** On a long park day, you can go back to the camper for a nap in a snap and go back in the park rested. $$ A couple years ago it was 30€ / per night, now it seems 45€ !!!! This is not one of our favorite , but somehow a special camp spot for us, I just got reminded from #googlephotos today. ========================== [kann unbezahlte Werbung enthalten 🤔] ========================== #camperlife #vwcamper #campervan #vwbus #buslife #campspot #campgrounds #travelblog #wohnmobilblog #campervans #furgovw #favoritespot #vanagon #westfaliacamper #freiheitsmobile #vwcamper268 #vwt3california #disneyland #vanlifediaries #rvlife #wanderlust #disneylandparis #rainorshine #fatwesty #vwltflorida #travelgram
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