Weekend and a week off ahead! Going out and explore as always. Even we don’t have a bucket list and being over 30 years on the road with our westy we’re still trying to find new things to do. This year we joined four vanlife meetings (the 1st ones for us) #festivalohnebands and at the upcoming days there should be some more new stuff coming to be checked on our not existing bucket list. First stop will be the premiere of the @heimreise_film from @pinepins and @mathis_ox at the drive-in cinema with camping later on . Afterward we’re heading north, Also unusual for us if not for the W:O:A. But more on that later ... 🚐 ========================== [kann unbezahlte Werbung enthalten 🤔] ========================== #festivallife #camperlife #vwcamper #campervan #vwbus #buslife #rar2019 #gmm19 #fmtreffen19 #bbbc2 #travelblog #wohnmobilblog #busfestival #furgovw #vanagon #westfaliacamper #freiheitsmobile #vwcamper268 #vwt3california #camper #vanlifediaries #rvlife #wanderlust #rainorshine #fatwesty #vwltflorida #travelgram #heimreisefilm
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