Winter Roadtrip 2019 🚐💨🎄 Damn, how easy it was just drove to Spain in the previous years! So many choices but also so many restrictions. Still not sure where to go or what to do after the holidays. The original plan was to follow the ☀️ and spend the days into the New Year in Spain as in the years before. Unfortunately the available time is to short for this trip with the VW LT Florida. The weather forecast for the Alps predict snow. This excludes Italy or Austria. Snowy and Icy roads are not the favourite of the 30 year old LT. So this leaves us open with heading westward, north or even east? Disney? Brouwersdam? Baltic Sea? Prague? Only one day left to figure something out. Damn, how easy it was to drove just to Spain in the last years! ======================= #camperlife #vwcamper #campervan #vwbus #buslife #travelblog #wohnmobilblog #wintertrip #furgovw #vanagon #westfaliacamper #freiheitsmobile #vwcamper268 #campervans #camper #vw4life #vanlifediaries #rvlife #wanderlust #rainorshine #fatwesty #vwltflorida #travelgram #westy #vw #westfalia
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